As spiritual teacher and author, Eckhart Tolle, wrote, “What characterizes an addiction? Quite simply this: you no longer feel that you have the choice to stop. It seems stronger than you. It also gives you a false sense of pleasure, pleasure that invariably turns into pain.”
Let me ask you a few questions. Are you currently living in shame? Are you wasting hours each day on the hunt for pornography? Are you masturbating to pornography? Are you objectifying women? Are you engaging in other compulsive sexual behaviors - has it consumed your life? Do you care more about pornography, than real people? Has it affected your sexuality, your relationships, or your job? Do you often check out, and go on autopilot in your search for pornography? Have you become like a zombie, constantly on the hunt for one thing, pornography, with complete disregard to the other wonderful things happening in life around you? Have you grown farther apart in your relationships with your family, with your friends, in your relationship with God? Do you feel like you aren’t worthy at times of God's love? Are you tired of going to God in prayer asking for forgiveness, telling him THIS TIME it will be different? Do you feel like HE has lost his hope for you?
You’re at a crossroads. What’s it going to be? An addiction to pornography, sometimes buckling down and white knuckling your sobriety for a few days, weeks, or even months, only to fall right back into patterns of behavior that many of you have had since your early teens, or even before? Do you choose loneliness, wasted hours, lost productivity, fake intimacy, sexual performance issues, guilt, shame, and a pulling away from the very God who gave you the gift of life? OR do you choose success, joy, happiness, productivity, self-love, energy, accomplishment, relationships with friends, a partner, spouse, God, and a life where you exceed your potential?
TODAY IS THE DAY that you make a choice, that you take back control of your life. I encourage you to give The Path Back a try, it will change your life. I guarantee it, or I'll happily refund your money, but let me assure you, if you give this program your all, you WILL find yourself firmly on the path back to the life that you've always dreamed of.
Follow this link, right now, to take a look into the Path Back System and start your new life today!