Additional Useful Resources

Covenant Eyes - A website that tracks what websites were viewed, what search terms were used, and what YouTube videos were looked at, as well as filtering that blocks certain websites, and even the Internet entirely if need be (

Circle by Disney - A new device that helps people manage content time across all digital devices.  (

Fight the New Drug - A website dedicated to bringing awareness to the plague that is pornography (

Fortify: A step Toward Recovery - A book written by, Fight the New Drug, to help youth who have an addiction with pornography, overcome it.

Good Pictures Bad Pictures, by Kristen A. Jenson M.A. - An easy to read book about how a mom and dad teach their child the dangers of pornography, and how to avoid it. It's for parents and kids alike, in knowing how to approach the hard subject of porn, and how to "porn-proof" their brains. (

He Restoreth My Soul, by Donald L. Hilton Jr. MD - A book about both the spiritual and modern science perspectives on the harmful effects of pornography. (

Feed the Right Wolf - A website full of helpful tools to help overcome pornography addiction. Feed the Right Wolf  is run by Craig Perra, founder of the Mindful Habit System (

How to Talk to Your Child About Sex, by Linda and Richard Eyre - A book to help parents teach their children how to talk about sex from a healthy, loving, and positive perspective.

Just 1 Click Away - A website that brings awareness to the harmful effects of pornography, and how to overcome it on a family and individual level (

K9 Web Protection - A website that offers free Internet filters, as well as parental software to help protect children from harmful material on the Internet (

Mindful Habit - Pornography recovery expert Craig Perra's Mindful Habit system, an online program that helps people overcome pornography addiction and compulsive sexual behavior. (

Overcoming Pornography - A website on overcoming pornography created by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint (LDS) (

Qustodio - An app that lets parents control what their children can do on social media. It also lets parents put time limits on games or apps, or blocks apps entirely (

Utah Coalition Against Pornography - The UCAP is a board of directors, who advocate against pornography through education and collaboration (

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